You can reduce some of your banking charges by using electronic payment methods such as card acceptance and online banking rather than cash, cheque and manual transactions. Find out more in our “Explore ways to bank with us” section.
You could also reduce your monthly account fee costs by limiting the number of Business Current Accounts and Foreign Currency accounts you operate.
Example charges below:
Withdrawing cash: You’d be charged £4.50 if you withdraw £200 in cash at a branch or Post Office®. This is comprised of a £1.50 charge for the withdrawal plus 1.5% (£3.00) of the £200 withdrawn. In comparison, it would cost £1.20 if you withdraw £200 cash from a cash machine (subject to cash machine charges).
Paying in cash: You’d be charged £4.50 if you paid in £200 in cash at a branch or Post Office®. This is comprised of a £1.50 charge for the credit slip plus 1.5% (£3.00) of the £200 credited. In comparison, it would be free for you to receive an automated credit such as a Bill Payment from a UK account.
Depositing a cheque: You’d be charged £2.00 if you deposit a cheque in at a branch or Post Office®. This is comprised of a £1.50 charge for the branch credit and a 50p cheque collection charge. If you deposit a cheque using the HSBC UK Business Banking app, you’d be charged a 50p cheque collection charge.
Making payments: If you make payments via cheque you’d be charged £1.00 per cheque paid, but an online bill payment made using Business Internet Banking would be free.