What is Fraud or a Scam?
Fraud is when there is suspicious activity or when a transaction debits your accounts which you had no knowledge of or didn’t authorise.
A Scam is when a criminal convinces you to knowingly authorise a payment from your account to a person, company, or for goods you believe to be genuine.
If you believe someone has fraudulently used your credit or debit card, you can contact us between 08:00 to 22:00, 7 days a week on:
03456 008 050 if you’re calling from the UK.
- +44 1470 697 093 if you’re calling from outside the UK.
If you believe this is a fraudulent bank transfer or bill payment (i.e. not made with your credit or debit card) that you didn’t authorise, you can contact us between 08:00 to 20:00, Monday to Sunday on:
03452 669 337 if you’re calling from the UK.
- +44 1470 697 107 if you’re calling from outside the UK.
- If the payment was made through HSBCnet, call 0800 169 9903 (lines open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week).
If you’ve authorised a bank transfer or bill payment and now believe you’ve been the victim of a scam, you can call us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
The number you need depends on how you authorised the transfer or payment:
- If you authorised this payment through Business Telephone Banking or Business Internet Banking, call 03455 873 523 or +44 1226 260 878 if you’re calling from outside the UK.
- If you authorised this payment through HSBCnet, call 0800 169 9903.
- If you suspect you may have divulged your security details, please dial 03455 873 523 if you’re calling from the UK or +44 1226 260 878 if you’re calling from outside the UK.
We recommend you also report fraud to Action Fraud by calling 0300 123 2040 or online at actionfraud.police.uk.