Business lending appeal form

To appeal about an HSBC business lending decision, please complete and submit this form.

Please note, this form is intended for a UK audience only.

Lending appeal guidance

You are able to use this appeals process in the following circumstances:

  • We are not prevented from lending to you, for example for legal or regulatory reasons or due to economic or trade sanctions
  • Your existing lending is not already subject to formal demand or enforcement or legal proceedings
  • You have submitted a formal lending application
  • Your appeal relates to a lending application declined within the previous 30 days
  • Your annual group turnover is less than £25m
  • You requested lending facilities for a period of more than 45 days

Note: This form should not be used for enquiries or objections to the proposed costs of agreed lending (e.g. interest rates, fees and costs) or the standard terms and conditions HSBC attaches to such lending.

Your information

We use the information you give us to contact you and process your lending appeal. You can find out more about how we use your information by reading the relevant Privacy Notice which can be found either: in your HSBC Kinetic app or

Your business and contact details

If yes, please enter your HSBC business or HSBC Kinetic bank account number:

About your lending request

Your appeal