Accounting Software Integration

Sage customers - important changes to the ‘Manage bank feeds’ service

The Business Internet Banking (BIB) ‘Manage bank feeds’ service for sharing UK accounts data has been demised on 4 November 2023.

Sage has contacted their customers and informed them how to connect their accounts to HSBC Open Banking.

What this means if you’re a Sage customer

This means that your feeds from BIB will no longer be processed by Sage. When feeds are switched to HSBC’s Open Banking service, Sage will start importing data from the new feeds. If you don’t set these feeds up, no further account data will be processed by Sage.

The HSBC’s Open Banking service will only support the following feeds for HSBC UK account types:

  • Current account
  • Savings account
  • Clients Deposit Account
  • Credit cards
  • Foreign Currency Account

UK account holders whose account type isn’t supported by HSBC Open Banking will need to manually import account data into Sage.

For further information

If you have questions about Sage’s migration to Open Banking, please refer to the communications from Sage.

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